Jan 30, 2010

Once you find the light, what do you do with it?

I found some light during a rainy week so I thought it was a perfect time to take more film pictures. Still trying to find the right place to develop in Oakland. Here are some Larkspur redwoods and collected ephemera courtesy of Kacey J. I'm thinking of using maybe the feather shot for the inside of her album design.

Jan 10, 2010

Make Something Every Day in 2010

What a great idea. Have fun making something cool every day. Turn the ordinary into something extraordinary. I recently have been gold-leafing everything. Mainly leaves. Here are some examples. (Thanks Molly for directing me to these images by Brock Davis, who made something cool every day in 2009)

Papa smurf gets angry, turns into the hulk.
bert and ernie make out while the cookie monster watches.

Shattered banana.
Yarn threaded through sprinkler.
Googly eyes on cotton
Googly eyes on gum
Anti fingerboarding signs
No rules. Thread on tape.
Keep it real.

Jan 7, 2010

Surprise Words

Best Christmas present ever. Then I hid them in the shower for people to find down the line...

Alexander Girard pillows are entering the lounge! We've been watching movies in here and talking about the real stuff.

Jan 5, 2010

California Thymes.

More film! Thanks to my tuttle-buddies, I've been spending some time down in Laurel Canyon...The ideal spot in the middle of Los Angeles. Some recent film shots of that canyon hang-house and the Oakland house on Boyd and the people that connect the dots.

sophie is my buddy. she recently got hit by a car and now has a big casty-bandage on her back leg, but she is doing a lot better now. we've bonded.

Jan 1, 2010

The keys to the leave (s) and everybody just seize their beliefs

trees *
leaves *
freeze *
leave (s) *
seize *
sees *
seas *
make believes *
keys *

This is what two people's somethings/everything lists look like. Burned for 2010.